The ability to build and lead resilient teams has never been more important.

Collective resilience is the team’s ability to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity. Resilient teams are the key to both individual and organizational resilience. Resilient teams are stronger together and they make learning and change possible. 该证书课程提供了在任何规模和任何行业的组织中建立和领导弹性团队所需的知识和技能.

Who Should Enroll?

这个证书课程是专门为适应新的和经验丰富的主管设计的, managers, and senior leaders. Individuals that aspire to a leadership role may also participate.

How is the certificate program delivered?

  • 七个学习模块需要6个小时的学生准备和3个小时的教师指导的现场小组讨论, or 1 contact hour of one-on-one live certificate per module.
  • Individual student preparation includes reading assignments, watching relevant videos, and answering reflection questions.
  • 证书课程确保对适用的事实(什么)有透彻的理解。, conceptual (why), and procedural (how) knowledge.
  • 证书课程利用您独特的领导者/追随者经验和观点.

What will you learn to do?

  • 通过营造积极的工作氛围来提高员工的工作士气.
  • Boost teamwork by developing cohesion among team members.
  • Improve employee motivation and commitment by providing purpose in the workplace.
  • 通过促进团队学习,提高团队解决问题和克服挑战的能力.
  • 通过支持组织学习,增强组织变革和竞争的能力.

Program Outline

RBLP curriculum consist of seven modules supporting five learning domains. Each level requires additional domain proficiency to attain certification.

Module 1 - Create a Positive Climate

Raise morale in the workplace by creating a positive climate.

Module 2 - Develop Cohesion

Boost and facilitate teamwork by developing cohesion among team members.

Module 3 - Provide Purpose

Improve motivation and commitment by providing purpose in the workplace.

Module 4 & 5 - Facilitate Team Learning


Module 6 & 7 - Support Organizational Learning


Air Force COOL Certified

空军认证援助(CA)项目可以为符合条件的现役空军提供财政支持, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve members up to $4,500 for career education benefits. CA计划使飞行员能够获得行业认可的专业和技术认证.


Registration is currently closed. 要收到通知,当新的日期可用,请使用报名表格. Thank you for your interest.
Additional Information

完成该证书课程的学生将准备参加韧性建设领导专业®(RBLP™)系列认证考试之一. If you are interested in sitting for a certification exam, please apply here.

Visit for experience requirements, education/certificate requirements, and exam cost. RBLP系列认证考试仅由韧性建设领导者计划管理. 完成该计划并不能保证通过韧性建设领导者计划管理的任何认证考试.

“RBLP”, “Resilience-Building Leadership Professional”, “Learn More. Lead Better.和RBLP盾牌标志是韧性建设领导者计划公司的商标.

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